Kõrgõstani Vabariik:
Dear Ildar Muhhamedshin
Thank you for congatulates!
We also would like to extend sincere congratulations and best wishes to You on the occasion of the Holy Month of Ramadan.
We wish that this upcoming Ramadan bring you happiness and prosperity for all Your life.
Have a peaceful and blessed Ramadan.
Please accept the assurances of our highest consideration.
With best regards, Embassy
Türgi Vabariik:
Lp Islami Kogudus,
Türgi suursaadik proua Hayriye Kumascioglu tänab heade soovide eest ning õnnitleb omalt poolt kõiki koguduse liikmeid püha kuu Ramadani saabumise puhul.
Parimat soovides
Riina Celik
Liibanoni Vabariik:
On the occasion of the Holy Month of Ramadan, I would like to wish you a very happy Ramadan,
full of joy and prosperity, with the sincere hope that this holy month will bring peace to the world.
Ambassador Reina Charbel